Welcome to the Group of Computational Modelling in Medicine

We are investigating how mammalian cells process information about intra- and extracellular cues through their intra-cellular signalling and gene-regulatory networks, how these networks dysfunction in disease and how these networks can be modulated by drugs. We are an interdisciplinary team of experimentalists and theoreticians and utilise mathematical models and theoretical concepts as well as quantitative and high throuput experimental approaches to analyse signalling and gene expression.

Our research


We use methods from mathematical modeling, bioinformatics and quantitative cell biology to investigate how structure and dynamics of networks relate to their biological function. Our main focus is on oncogenic signaling pathways and their downstream gene regulatory networks mediate their oncogenic potential and the dynamics of differentiation processes.


Who we are


We are an interdisciplinary team of experimentalists and theoreticians and use mathematical models and theoretical concepts as well as quantitative and high throuput experimental approaches to analyse signalling and gene expression.


Contact Us

Cinque Terre

Postal adress
AG Blüthgen
Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Institut für Pathologie
Chariteplatz 1
D 10117 Berlin

Visitor adress:
Leonor-Michaelis House (Haus 18)
Campus Nord
Philippstr. 13
10115 Berlin

Nils Blüthgen
+49 (0)30 2093 92390

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